Colocate in LA for Digital Transformation, Interconnection and Edge Computing
With a population of 10 million, Los Angeles isn’t only one of the largest metropolises in the world, it’s the place to be for businesses executing digital ...
Rethink Your IT Strategy With Our Solutions Architects
The Open Cloud Exchange: How Our Solution Architects Work with You Business and IT leaders talk with our solution architect (SA) team for different reasons. ...
The Open Cloud Exchange: Our Solution Architects Connect the Right Hybrid IT Dots
Digital transformation takes businesses down many roads, but nearly all lead to hybrid IT. As you evaluate the optimal approach to achieving your desired ...
Thanks to Our Teams, CoreSite Named a 2021 Top Place to Work in the Bay Area and Denver
When a company is named a “Top Place to Work,” the people who work there make it happen. I am not talking about taking the time to fill out a survey, although ...
Data Centers are Incubating the Digital Economy and Hybrid Cloud Growth in Silicon Valley
In the Bay Area, Silicon Valley is known as California’s technology hub. Today, many people include San Francisco when they reference Silicon Valley. Born in ...
Low Latency, High Security, Flexibility: How Financial Services Can Get More from Hybrid IT
Enterprises are becoming more reliant on networking, whether they realize it or not, as a byproduct of their reliance on public clouds and SaaS providers. This ...