Thanks to Our Teams, CoreSite Named a 2021 Top Place to Work in the Bay Area and Denver
When a company is named a “Top Place to Work,” the people who work there make it happen. I am not talking about taking the time to fill out a survey, although over 80 percent of our team did so – I’m talking about the culture people create. Let’s face it, a company can define core values and a mission statement, but it’s the people, in every department and in every role, that determine whether those ideals are practiced every day.
CoreSite’s Special Culture
As I have begun to visit our eight markets around the United States, I have observed firsthand the pride and sense of ownership displayed by our team members and how people demonstrate their commitment to our customers and each other.
In the survey, people had the following to say about their work experience at CoreSite:
“I love interacting directly with customers. I get tons of support from my manager, team and others throughout the company. And I know the relationships I've made at CoreSite will last a lifetime.”
“I am part of a team of people that truly care for their customers, take pride in their work, are deeply honest and respectful and have fun at the same time.”
Another hallmark of CoreSite’s special culture is Innovation for Improvement. Our team members are not satisfied with the status-quo and look for ways, large and small, to continue to improve.
“I am constantly being challenged to do better, to grow and learn, develop new skills and make an impact that is visible throughout the organization.”
“My team and boss make me feel heard, appreciated, and remind me of my impact. I am trusted to do my job but feel comfortable asking questions.”
Congratulations to You
CoreSite participated in the Top Workplace surveys in both the Bay Area and Denver. CoreSite is now 92 employees strong in the Bay Area and we expect that number to continue growing with the addition of our newest data center in the Silicon Valley area, SV9. Our growth in the Bay Area enabled us to be eligible for consideration for the first time in 2020 and we were named a Top Workplace then and again in 2021. CoreSite has also participated through The Denver Post for several years and was named a Top Workplace for six of the last nine years including 2021.
Is There a Secret to Success?
I recently came across an article titled “The Secret to Happiness at Work.” While I encourage reading it through, I’ll point to a couple remarks that caught my attention because I believe they reflect the values all CoreSite employees demonstrate.
- “Decades of studies have shown that the people most satisfied with their work are those who find a fundamental match between their employer’s values and their own.”
- While other factors are important, “teamwork, a sense of accomplishment, recognition for a job well done and work-life balance” have an enduring positive impact on job happiness.
As we all know, 2020 and 2021 have been years like none other, which I think makes the recognition even more special. When CoreSite was named a great place to work, it occurred to me that it really is all about you – our people. Thank you again for all that you do in all of our locations.
With respect and appreciation,