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Building Winning IT Strategies for Small- and Medium-Sized Businesses

Nu-Age Group delivers business-driving technology solutions with CoreSite data centers and support

CoreSite availability

New York Data Centers




11954 Narcoossee Road, Suite 182 Orlando, FL 32832

The Challenge

The Nu-Age Group has a two-pronged plan to grow its business: deliver more services to existing clients and broaden its client base. While Nu-Age has a national portfolio of customers, the company has historically been based in New York. However, it recently decided to open a Florida location to expand its presence in this area. To support the expected influx of customers, Nu-Age needed a data center that could offer the scalable infrastructure, uptime, security and support necessary to continue to provide its customers with exceptional IT solutions and service.

The Solution

Nu-Age chose CoreSite's Secaucus, New Jersey (NY2) facility to support its expanding operations. Six months later, the company launched its business in CoreSite's Orlando, Florida (OR1) data center to cultivate its Florida presence. Nu-Age also opted to rent office space within OR1 and has plans to do the same within CoreSite's New York campus.

CoreSite's reputation as a leader in the data center space lends a level of competence and confidence that Nu-Age can leverage to build trust with prospective clients. CoreSite's scalable infrastructure also positions Nu-Age to adapt its environment to match its growth trajectory cost effectively, and the environmental redundancies ensure 100% uptime so Nu-Age and its customers can operate uninterrupted. The data centers' physical security features, including access key cards, biometric scanners, 8' perimeter fencing, perimeter and interior cameras, and 24x7x365 security officers, eliminate the threat of unauthorized visitors. Both facilities also offer access to CoreSite's Open Cloud Exchange (OCX), which allows real-time, self-service provisioning of direct cloud interconnections via a private, online service delivery platform. Using OCX, Nu-Age will be able to quickly and cost-effectively enable customer cloud deployments through a single port.

Positioned for Growth with Scalable,Geo-diverse Facilities

Over the last year, Nu-Age has experienced 40-50% growth, and within the next six months, the company expects to expand its deployment in OR1. CoreSite allows Nu-Age to scale its environment to keep pace with its growth and continue to serve its customers' IT needs. CoreSite's national portfolio of data centers also allowed Nu-Age to seamlessly enter the Florida market to build its business, and it will allow the company to enter additional regionals as well. The company's expansion will continue and is already eyeing the potential for a West Coast location to support its customers in this market and continue its growth path.

Lower Latency with the Right Locations

CoreSite's geographically diverse footprint allows Nu-Age to strengthen its presence in targeted markets. NY2's proximity to New York City allows the company to support its existing customer base in and around the area and to heighten its focus on the financial services market. The data center location also promotes faster data delivery speeds, which is particularly essential for financial organizations. By migrating to NY2, Nu-Age halved latency for its Manhattan clients. Additionally, NY2's Secaucus location allows Nu-Age to balance its proximity to Manhattan with its mission to foster homegrown talent outside of the city.

Always-expanding Ecosystem Offers Access to Potential Customer Pool

The diverse and ever-growing customer ecosystem within CoreSite data centers offers service delivery opportunities for Nu-Age. Through CoreSite Marketplace, Nu-Age can connect with other CoreSite customers to create partnerships and promote its services. Organizations within the NY2 and OR1 ecosystems can leverage Nu-Age to deliver IT solutions that minimize downtime, improve efficiencies and bolster data integrity and system security. Nu-Age's onsite presence at OR1 also enables the company to support organizations that lack a local office.

Customer-centric Focus Offers Trickledown Value to End-user Clients

Nu-Age prides itself on delivering white glove service to its clients, so it is no surprise that the firm appreciates CoreSite's own commitment to delivering powerful customer experiences. During the sales and migration processes, CoreSite supported Nu-Age's needs, clearly communicating information to offer insight and alleviate concerns. This partnership has continued past the implementation process to provide ongoing support that provides a peace of mind and allows Nu-Age to remain focused on its customers' needs and its business growth.

"We're on a growth track, but we remain committed to delivering our clients business-enabling IT solutions and the highest level of customer service. CoreSite provides the availability, security and scalability we need to create and manage effective IT solutions."
Anthony Chillino
President, The Nu-Age Group

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